
Food bloggers roll call

There are a lot of food bloggers out there, and I don't have delusions that mine is great -- I'm blogging mostly for my own benefit and hoping it helps someone else out in the process. Some of the food blogs out there are exceptional, though, and Press For Change has compiled some of the best posts and recipes into a recipe book. I haven't bought the book, but the intro on their Web site has something even more valuable for me -- a list of the best of the food blogs out there. When I get a chance to check them out, I'm going to add some of the better ones to my list of sites on the side.


At 3:35 PM, Blogger Owen said...

Mel, just so you know, that list was for food blogs from summer 2003 to summer 2004. My list now has over 300 food blogs on it and if you search for kiplog - he has the closest thing to a definitive list - about 400 maybe? I suspect that there are well over 1000 by now. My 300 have to pass some basic quality and frequency of posting tests before I add them...

At 3:36 PM, Blogger Owen said...

oh - you are on the list now too...

At 7:30 PM, Blogger Billy Jones said...

Well I just popped in to see what condition my condition was in...

Howdy and welcome to Blogsboro (Greensboro's new name according to the Los Angeles Times) Why not pop in at our next MeetUp and find out why?

Also, I added you to my list of local links.

At 9:29 PM, Blogger Mel said...

If I'm ever off on a Wednesday night, I'd love to stop in. Unfortunately, I don't know if it'll ever happen -- one of the sad things about working on the copy desk is that you work nights. But I'll sign up and cross my fingers :-)


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